Done with Public School? How to Start Homeschooling Your Child Today!

Are you considering homeschooling your child but feeling overwhelmed by where to start? The process may seem daunting, with questions about the legal requirements, curriculum choices, and daily routines. But fear not! In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the essential steps to help you feel confident and prepared to embark on your homeschooling journey. For a more detailed explanation, be sure to watch the full video linked below. Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Know Your State’s Requirements: Every state has its own set of laws and regulations regarding homeschooling. It’s crucial to familiarize yourself with your state’s specific requirements. For example, in Georgia, the process is relatively simple. You are required to fill out a one-page form called a declaration of intent, providing basic information about the students, the school year calendar, and your contact details. Additionally, testing every three years from the third grade is mandatory. To find the specific requirements for your state, visit, where they have compiled a comprehensive list for easy reference. Watch the video for a detailed explanation of the declaration of intent form and testing process!

Step 2: Choose the Right Curriculum: Selecting a curriculum can be overwhelming due to the multitude of options available. However, this abundance is also a positive aspect, as it ensures there’s something suitable for every family’s needs. Remember, as a homeschooling parent, you have the freedom to change the curriculum if it doesn’t work well for your child. You can even sell your used curriculum and recoup your investment. Keep an eye out for the upcoming video where we discuss how to choose the right curriculum. Stay tuned for the video release and explore our recommended curriculum options below.

Step 3: Design Your Ideal Homeschool Day and Week: Consider your preferred homeschooling approach when planning your daily and weekly schedule. Are you inclined towards a relaxed, child-led learning environment, or do you prefer a more structured curriculum with specific goals? YouTube is a treasure trove of inspiration, featuring countless “A Day in the Life” homeschool videos and homeschool schedule ideas. Observing how other families organize their homeschooling can help you craft a clear vision for your own. Remember, flexibility is key, as your plans may evolve over time. Check out the video to hear about our homeschool schedule and gain more insights.

Step 4: Record-Keeping (If Required): While not all states mandate record-keeping for homeschoolers, some do. If your state falls into the latter category, it’s essential to understand how to maintain records effectively. Numerous resources, such as videos and articles, offer practical advice on record-keeping methods. Although we don’t have personal experience to share, we encourage you to explore these resources to develop a suitable record-keeping plan. Watch the video for further guidance on record-keeping.

Starting your homeschooling journey may initially seem complex and overwhelming. However, with the right information and mindset, you can confidently navigate this new chapter in your child’s education. Remember to watch the full video for a more comprehensive explanation and valuable insights. We’re excited for you and your family as you embark on this rewarding homeschooling adventure!

Some of our most-recommended Items:

  1. Free printables from Stay organized and keep track of attendance and other important records with these free downloadable planners and worksheets.
  2. BJU Press Standardized Tests: Fulfill testing requirements easily with these online standardized tests from an approved provider.
  3. Ron Paul Curriculum: Discover an incredible curriculum that caters to different learning styles and preferences, ensuring a successful homeschooling experience.
  4. YouTube Homeschooling Channels: Dive into the vibrant homeschooling community on YouTube, where you can find inspiration, guidance, and practical tips from experienced homeschooling families.

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